Sunday, May 5, 2013

Went to write but..

It's late and I have to work So Friday I will sit down and write all about the last month.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I never have but finally will say it yes I customize guns, I paint build and rebuild stuff, and  I love to do it. I have been featured in the now closed down ( sad) and have paonted well over 20 diffeternt gun for different people and even some real guns too.
Here are some pictures:

Spring Time.

SO spring has come raining out games, greening up our camo schemes and of course getting us all out to play I must say that the Hellfish have become quite well know in our community and like by all too. on April 14th we will be exploring a new field in Redding CA, I hope it is good I REALLY hope its good, Also we will be starting a new field closer to home hopefully that will be good too.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


So we are going full steam now, When I say "we" I mean the Butte County Regional Airsoft group and the BCRA Hell Fish ( Our team in the group). The group is now attending events all over and showing up in groups exceeding 20+ people it seems that our group is growing super fast. We now have over 50 people and are still growing, Also we have our first sponsor Facepalm Creations. This is a huge step for us we hope we can get more in the future.We'll see what happens. Either way we got lots of events to go to and hopefully we will have video up soon too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Back in the saddle.

So airsoft is in full swing now, We got out patches new uniforms for some and even a sponsor not ICS like we hoped, but hey its something. Either way we have lots of thing to do and too review, soon I will be doing player interviews...